Gurley Community & History

M&N Petition For Annexation

Legacy Information: This page was created in 2004 for the Gurley Community.

Thanks to Robert Sentell, Trish Perry, Billy & Celia Dear, Irene Schneider, Marti Stone, Wendy M. Hargrove, Tommy Tipton, Joyce Roberts, Marie Flynn, Citizens for a Better Gurley, K Perry, Stan Simpson, Ripple McMullen, and M L Stowe for their strong involvement and commitment to the town of Gurley! Thanks to all new residents involved in helping Gurley to be a better place! Committee for a Better Gurley will not stop to fight. Topic started 04/15/2003 by Marti Stone and I & D Schneider.

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March 11 2004 the Gurley town council turned down annexation offered by Brian McCord!

M & N Materials' Petition For Annexation Proposal
Ordinance #281
Petition to Annex Quarry by Brian McCord
Return to Gurley's Citizens Against The Quarry & Mine

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Vote YES Tuesday, April 13 2004

YES is best for Gurley. We encourage all registered voters of Gurley to vote YES for annexation of the property slated for a rock quarry. A YES vote will enable the city of Gurley to regulate certain aspects of the business and will force M&N immediately upon passage to abide by all laws and regulations of the town of Gurley.

T. P. - Thu, 11 Mar 2004
Gurley Mtn: M&N's Annexation Proposal Fails:

All, it is of great concern to me that the mayor of the City of Gurley called a meeting last night for the purpose of presenting a request for annexation from M&N Materials. Once you read the actual document, I believe that you will see that it presents several conditions that have serious and long reaching impact for the community of Gurley.

I have concern that Mayor Hornbuckle presented the document as a regular annexation document. He did not mention that there were conditions that would allow the quarry and asphalt plants, require city services, and severely limit tax revenue. I have serious concerns that the Mayor presented the document and asked for a motion, and I have even greater concern that councilman Jerry Campbell made a motion to have this petition voted on by the council. I am thankful that this proposal, with its serious and far reaching implications, died without a second.

It is important to note that Brian McCord was only offering the land for annexation if four conditions were met. It is my opinion that these conditions would have a far reaching negative effect on the City of Gurley not only today but for years to come. The conditions are clearly stated in the attached document, but following is my summary of what Mr. McCord was requesting:

M&N Materials Conditions for Annexations:
1. The land would be granted a special exception permit to allow the land to be used for quarrying, rock crushing, asphalt plant and/or redi-mix cement plant.
2. The business would be exempt from municipal taxes for five years from the date of annexation.
3. Privilege License fees would be limited now and forever to no more than 1 1/2 times the current highest rate. This would not only limit M&N, but would limit license fees on any business on that site forever.
4. The city would be required to provide water and sewer service within 18 months of annexation.

If you are concerned about this, I encourage you to take the following steps:
1. Write the Mayor and Councilman Campbell to express your concerns:
Mayor Roger Hornbuckle, 172 Keel Mount Road, Gurley, AL 35748
Councilman Jerry Campbell, 131 McKinney Drive, Gurley, AL 35748
2. Attend all the council meetings - 1, 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall - next meeting, Tuesday, March 16
3. Attend and/or help with Pancake Breakfast, Sat. April 3, 7:00-11 a.m .
4. Vote YES in the Special Annexation Election on Tuesday, April 13. This election, mandated by the Alabama State Legislature, if approved will allow for annexation of the property without conditions.

T. P. - Thu, 11 Mar 2004

M & N Materials' Petition For Annexation Proposal Ordinance #281 - Petition to Annex Quarry by Brian McCord
M & N Materials' Petition For Annexation Proposal Ordinance #281 - Petition to Annex Quarry by Brian McCord
M & N Materials' Petition For Annexation Proposal Ordinance #281 - Petition to Annex Quarry by Brian McCord
M & N Materials' Petition For Annexation Proposal Ordinance #281 - Petition to Annex Quarry by Brian McCord

Thanks R. Sentell for sharing this information.