Gurley Lions Club serving the Gurley community since 1948
Gurley Lions Club serving the Gurley community since 1948

Gurley Christmas Parade 2003

Select the year to display the corresponding parade:

Starting in 2015 The Gurley Lions Club posts all events' pictures on its facebook page and members' pages.

Thanks to the Gurley Lioness Club for coordinating this yearly event!

Bud Hollingsworth graciously shared the following pictures of the Gurley Christmas Parade (Thanks Bud!):

You may need to refresh your screen (F5) to display all the pictures.

Beginning Gurley Parade

Gurley Parade Grand Marshall Florence Hollingsworth

Gurley Parade Stone Hardware

Gurley Parade Firetruck

Gurley Parade Jerry Craig

Gurley Parade HEMSI Dogs

Gurley Parade Future Business Leaders Of America

Gurley Parade Children Train

Gurley Parade Old Car

Gurley Parade Lions Club

Ladies of Gurley Parade

Santa Clauss Gurley Parade

Horse Riders Gurley Parade

Page Created December 22 2003