Moderated Gurley Community Communication
This is a family-founded web site voluntarily created and maintained since 1997.
We want that all visitors benefit from basic rules regarding conduct while using the
following options so that everyone feels free to share opinions, ideas, and ask questions.
Thank all of the selfish out there who have nothing better to do than load people's guestbook with junk using automated programs if you have a message that you would like to share you will need to contact me and send me the message to post through my site e-mail.
You can also find us the owner of the website (and other members of the Gurley Lions Club, Lioness Club, Friends of the Gurley Public Library, Citizen For A Better Gurley, Gurley Cumberland Presbyterian Church) on facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks.
The free flow of communication and exchange is jeopardized when a few individuals act
We require that you agree to abide by some basic rules of conduct.
- We will not accept any content that is obscene
- We will not accept any content that may be hateful or offensive on racial, ethnic, sexual or any other grounds
- We will not accept any content that is harmful, vulgar or distasteful; or is defamatory, libelous, or invades another person's privacy or proprietary rights
- We will not accept any content that will harass, threaten or abuse other people
- We will not accept any content that encourage suspect interactions with minors
We will protect your email address:
Avoid posting your email addresses to some web sites. It is a common source for spammers to collect email addresses.
If you do not have a web page and your email address needs to be posted, I will modify your email with a random pattern and/or let the visitors know how to reach you.
We respect your privacy, your email address will not be given to any third party.
We do not share or sell your personal information, including email addresses. We ask for
your name, address and contact information so we can contact you.